Those first few days were a whirlwind! But some moments that are forever in my memory!
Like this room....I will never forget getting asked to come sit in this room (shown below), they shut the door, Nick and I are sitting next to each other with Nixon in the car seat on the floor. And we are facing three doctors! They tell us Faye has leukemia and the type she has is AML. She will be in the hospital for 6 months, with a possible chance of getting to go home for a few days in between each round. That's about all I remember, that and looking at a bunch of papers they kept showing us and asking us to sign. Then it seemed like 6 months was forever away!

Faye has been through so much on this journey and she has been so tough through it all! I am amazed at what a strong little girl I was given! She truly is amazing!
Since we are only doing four rounds....our treatment has come to an end at five months! Yep tomorrow is five months to the day since Faye went to the emergency room and tomorrow is when they said we get to go home! It seems so surreal! Looking back, like I said, 6 months seemed forever away! But we have done it!
The plan is we will come back once a week to check levels, and get transfusions as needed! Then in a week or two when her counts are good and recovered we will get another bone marrow biopsy. Once she has shown she can hold her own as far as her blood and platelet levels they will remove her PICC line and we will then have clinic visits once a month, to make sure this cancer stays away!
She will still be confined to home...or an occasional visit to the park for the first little bit. After a month or two she will be able to do more normal things like go to the grocery store, start attending church again (which she is so excited for), and going to the movies (which her dad is so excited for).
So tomorrow have a party for Faye! Have a party to celebrate that all of your support, love, concern, gifts, and prayers have given all of us our own little miracle! Don't party too hard because we still need the next miracle or keeping it away. Keep that love and those prayers coming!
I think it is very fitting our friends from Logan are having a movie night in the park showing Tangled tomorrow...so if you are in Logan go check it out!
At Gibbons Park 800 w. 2475 s. Nibley, UT 8:30-11:30
Faye would love to be there!

This is Faye showing us where her ANC is at. When it was 20 we told her that her ANC was at her knees, then it went to 40 and we told her it was at her thigh....now it is 80 so we said it is at her neck! They told us when it gets above 100 we could go home. So Faye knows when it gets to her head she is good to go!
So we will see you all at HOME!
I can't believe it I bet it feels so surreal. My dad called yesterday asking how Faye was doing, I was so happy to tell him she was going home! And he was so happy to hear it, he cried a little bit and said make sure and tell Stace he was thinking of you guys.
I can't wait to see the next post coming from home, hope your day is just glorious. You all deserve it!
That is so amazing! I am so happy for you all, we wish Faye could be here tomorrow too!! Good Luck tomorrow!!!
What a relief! I know there's still plenty to pray for and hope for but I feel like a weight's been lifted. I can't imagine the joy you guys are feeling! I love the visual you gave Faye about her ANC levels. Too cute. I will insist we get Cafe Rio tonight to celebrate for Faye and we'll imagine we're eating FreeBirds with you guys. Love you so much!!
How exciting for you guys!!! You need to let off a great big balloon or something from the hospital as a goodbye to hospital beds!! Have fun with your journey back home and all being under the same roof again.
Erin p.
We are so, so, so excited for you all! What an amazing journey your family has been on. Don't worry we will keep on praying for Faye! Miss you guys tons and love you all.
Oh, the END is in sight!! I cannot believe how you guys are getting out in 5 months, it must seem like it's gone so fast and so slow all at the same time.
Erin's treatment covered 8 months and when she got home we just started up normal life (even with her central line still in). She went to church that first Sunday home, her ANC was somewhere around 700 and we only took her to Sacrament meeting and made her wear a mask, but the next Sunday her ANC was in the normal range of a normal person so she just went on to normal life. It didn't take too long. We even enrolled her in preschool, she started that 1 month after coming home. It felt SO GOOD to be normalish again.
We are just so excited about all that is happening to you guys. So excited that you're very close to coming home! We will hold our own Faye is done with treatment party at dinner tonight!!!
We love you guys!
Crying tears of JOY! We have all fallen in love with sweet Faye! We will continue to pray for her to keep fighting this off!
Oh the power of prayer, faith and the love of family and Friends!
I cannot wait to see the pictures of the "Welcome Home Party"!!
Congrats to ALL of you!
Prayers still heading your way!
Congratulations to a STRONG little girl who has inspired a perfect stranger! I have followered your blog from your dear friend and my dear friend Jenny! What an inspiration your whole family is! Prayers still coming to Faye and her fight and to your family! Welcome home Faye!
Lisa McBride
YAY! That is amazing! I am so happy that Faye is almost ready to go home! Living at the hospital sure doesn't sound fun! We will keep praying that her cancer stays away! We are so happy for you guys!
So happy for all of you!! You will all continue to be in my prayers. Jayne LaFleur
Way to go Faye! Such a strong and sweet little girl. Seeing her dancing or jumping through the hallways always makes me smile, especially on days that are hard.
God bless you all. We are sad to see you go but so happy for Faye to begin her next chapter- hospital free!
Happy Happy Happy news! I am so excited for you guys to all be home together. She is one amazing little girl!
What a journey. I don't know anyone who has touched so many lives & I'm so proud to be her aunt. Now we turn those 5 months into 5 years. Go Faye!!
I am so happy for you guys! It will be wonderful to have all of your family together in your home. I can't believe how strong Faye is and all that she has overcome.
Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with all of you.
Way to go!!!
We are absolutely thrilled for all of you <3 <3 <3
Ron and Colleen
I'm, sooooo happy to hear the good news! You guys are such warriors and such a faithful and amazing family! We will for sure keep praying for Faye! Love you, and I am jumping and crying at the same time at this moment! HOOOORAY FOR FAYE!!
I stumbled upon your blog one day and have been following your journey ever since. You are a very inspiring family with how you have handled everything. I have prayed daily for Faye and I am so pleased she is so close to going home.
I shall continue to pray for you all
Steph xx
Thank you for allowing all of us out there to share your daughters experience. What a life changing experience it has been for you all but a very inspiring story of faith and hope for the rest of us. I know not many days went by I did not check this blog to ensure that this little gal was doing well. I have cried many tears over your pain and her courage. I can't even believe how much courage she has and a positive outlook on life. Thank you Thank you Heavenly Father for sending us all Faye!!! Party Party!!!!
Sorry Stace keep meaning to comment, life, life, life.
So happy for you all. the first time I read this I just cried and cried. Can't believe this is all done, and our girl is coming home. I know it is still a long road, but you have overcome the really bumpy part and it should be smooth sailing from here on out. Of course I will always keep you all in my prayers...can't wait to see the next post with all you Meldrums home sweet home.
Love you-
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